來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)來(lái)源 2009-08-29 15:45:04
1.A Canadian Could be referring to Molson Canadian beer
2.All-nighter Drinking until the next morning
3.Anglo A non-French Canadian
4.A shot One ounce of liquor
5.Away Used to describe someone who has left one of the eastern provinces and moved west
6.Brain Drain Exodus of Canadian professionals seeking employment in the USA
7.Brew A beer as in “let’s go for a brew”
8.Butts Cigarettes
9.Clicks Used instead of kilometers or miles
10.Dole Government assistance
11.Down East All provinces east of where you are
12.Eh? What did you say? Repeat that please or know what I mean?
13.Ex Short for Molson Export beer
14.Forty ouncer 40 ounce bottle of liquor
15.Francophone A French Canadian
16.Get lost Insisting that someone to leave you alone
17.Goof A moron or idiot
18.Gradge Garage
19.Hammered Very drunk
20.Hogtown Nickname for Toronto
21.Jesus Murphy A slang expression, with an interesting Irish angle, is this expletive phrase which is often used in place of "Jesus Christ!" most especially in Southwestern Ontario
22.Johnny on the Spot Portable toilet used at outdoor festivals and events
23.Line-ups Queue or line
24.Loonie Canada’s one-dollar coin
25.Lord Tunderin Jesus heard Said when excited, or angry. Usually on the East Coast
26.Mickey 13 ounce bottle of liquor
27.Mounties Royal Canadian Mounted Police
28.Newfie A person from the province of Newfoundland
29.Out West All provinces west of where you are
30.Pissed Very drunk
31.Pogey Government assistance
32.Pop Soda
33.Polluted Very drunk
34.Poutine Fries with gravy and cheese curds
35.Shinny A Game of hockey played on the streets
36.Shoot the s__t Chat, talk, have a conversation or someone who is not telling the truth
37.Shooters Drinking one-ounce shots of liqueur
38.Shots Booze served by the ounce
39.Skull Cramp A Bad headache
40.Take off Insisting that someone leave you alone
41.TGIF Thank God It’s Friday
42.The Can Bathroom, toilet, lavatory
43.The John Bathroom, toilet, lavatory
44.Toonie Canada’s two-dollar coin
45.Tronno Toronto
46.Twenty-sixer 26 ounce bottle of liquor
47.Two Four 24 pints of beer
48.Two Four Uh Blue 24 pints of Labatt’s Blue beer
49.Weed Marijuana
50.Whatever Used when a person has no reply or doesn’t know what to say
51.Yankee Any US citizen
52.You’s Referring to more than one person as in “You’s going to the movies tonight”?
53.Zed The letter after Y
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